Fish 'n' Chips and take-away shops

The take-away shop has always been an important and popular part of the Sunshine Coast experience

The take-away shop has always been an important and popular part of the Sunshine Coast experience. Locals and holidaymakers alike will remember some of the well-known shops where they could get their favourite fish ’n’ chips, hamburgers, malted milks, ice-creams and other take-away delights.

A relaxing holiday or weekend escape for all the family might have included walks on the beach, surfing the waves, even boating along the river where you could try your luck at catching your own dinner. The corner shops were well prepared to provide for your every need, be it boat or canoe hire, ice for the Esky, bait and tackle supplies and of course some refreshments and sandwiches for the day out.

If you were camping in your tent or renting a flat or a caravan at the caravan park you might rely on the nearest store for necessary supplies to make your visit carefree and relaxed. Many shops stocked just about anything the camper or day-tripper might find useful including tourist information and maps of the area. After all, you couldn’t be expected to pack everything.

The family businesses that welcomed the regular holiday crowds to their shops became familiar faces and even friends. Let’s take a look back at some of those memorable, even iconic Sunshine Coast businesses.

Originally published as a Backward Glance story.