Landsborough Museum will be closed to the public from Wednesday 2 April until further notice due to building renovations.

On the Way to the Goldfields (Years 5-6)

Focuses on the lives of William and Mary Grigor and the establishment of Bankfoot House

On the Way to the Goldfields (Years 5-6)

On the way to the Goldfields is a unique learning experience delivered on site at the state heritage-listed Bankfoot House Heritage Precinct (BHHP).

Developed by teachers and the Sunshine Coast Council’s Cultural Heritage Services team, the On the Way to the Goldfields education program focuses on the life of Mary and William Grigor and their roles at Bankfoot House. The BHHP Education Program is aligned to the HASS Australian Curriculum achievement standards for each year level, with learning outcomes and relevant content descriptors identified for each activity.

Hands-on activities will allow students to develop skills and engage with local history and events such as the Gympie Gold Rush. Students will learn about William and Mary, their lives as early pioneer settlers and their impact on the local community. They will examine how they managed a successful business in a remote location and examine how daily work was undertaken including farming, logging, and domestic technologies.

Program structure

The On the way to the Goldfields program is presented on site at Bankfoot House Heritage Precinct inside the Mary Grigor Centre, Bankfoot House, The Shed, The Wagon Shed and the grounds of the property.

Students will be guided around the property as they participate in select activities during their visit to Bankfoot House Heritage Precinct.

Download the program overview[285KB] or contact the bookings officer for more information.

Complete the booking request form to request a visit.