Heritage talks and films

Enjoy free heritage talks, film screenings and other events. Various dates | Landsborough Museum & Bankfoot House Heritage Precinct

Heritage talks and films

Enjoy free heritage talks, film screenings and other events. First Friday of the month (not during school holidays).

Cobb & Co coach viewing of The Leviathan

Bankfoot House

Cobb & Co enthusiast Steve Ralph will provide a viewing of The Leviathan, the 75-seat monster coach, before it hits the road in August.  

Free. Registration essential. Morning tea provided.

RegistrationDate and Time
Register (Booked Out)Friday 5 July, 10-11am

Family research using historical maps

Landsborough Museum

Learn how to use historical maps for family research.  Presented by the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying.

Free. Registration essential. Morning tea provided.

RegistrationDate and Time
RegisterFriday 2 August, 10-11am

The Beerburrum Soldier Settlement – Remembered

Bankfoot House

Join Historian Paul Sutton as he discusses the history of the settlement, the people that lived there, how it was commemorated and its legacy. 

Free. Registration essential. Morning tea provided.

RegistrationDate and Time
RegisterFriday 20 September, 10-11am