We need your input: Little Mountain skate park

We are investigating options to renew the existing skate park facility at Little Mountain Common and we need your help.

We need your input: Little Mountain skate park

The current Skate and BMX Plan recommends, as part of its long-term planning, the relocation of the Little Mountain skate facility to a more suitable location.

Guided by the way our community uses the park and considering the park’s constraints and opportunities, we have identified a potential area within Little Mountain Common.

The proposed new location within the park will provide better connectivity with the park’s other features, such as the children's bicycle track and nearby playground.

It will also provide better passive surveillance for a safe and inclusive space.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 1 Councillor Jenny Broderick encouraged users of the park to have their say.

“We value your feedback as we work to deliver what our community wants in the proposed new skate park,” Cr Broderick said.

“Every improvement to our parks and recreation network is wonderful to see, along with more and more people using them.

“Relocating this popular skate park will make it more accessible, which in the end can encourage us all to be more active, more often.”

We need your input

Please have your say on relocating and renewing the skate facility in Little Mountain Common.

To share your feedback, click the button below to complete a short online survey before 31 October 2024.

Where to from here?

We will assess and use your feedback to inform the future planning and design stages for the project and the overall park.

This article We need your input: Little Mountain skate park has been supplied from the OurSC website and has been published here with permission.