Have Your Say - Community Strategy Refresh

Hundreds of residents told us about their vision for a strong Sunshine Coast community.

Have Your Say - Community Strategy Refresh

Council has used this feedback to prepare a draft refreshed Community Strategy.

See how we can create a more thriving Sunshine Coast community together.

Provide your feedback before 10 June!

What you told us

You wanted to work together to:

  • offer more healthy activities and community sport, advocate for increased health services, reduce risky health behaviours and spread quality health information
  • increase access to community facilities to meet the needs of our growing population, create spaces for young people, advocate for more investment in roads and public transport, use our cars less often and increase support for people experiencing homelessness
  • create a more welcoming and inclusive community, increase recognition of First Nations people, grow volunteering, and facilitate civic engagement
  • reduce isolation and grow neighbourhood connection, see more community events, improve community safety, and grow our individual and collective resilience
  • grow the number of arts and cultural experiences on offer, preserve and share our personal and shared heritage, and celebrate our First Nations history and culture. 

Have we got it right?

This article Have Your Say - Community Strategy Refresh  has been supplied from the OurSC website and has been published here with permission.