First Nations Family Fun Day

A unique and fun filled day of cultural learning | Sat 12 Apr | Bankfoot House Heritage Precinct

First Nations Family Fun Day

Join Kabi Kabi and Jinibara First Nations People for a unique, fun filled day of cultural learning with games, dancing, and craft activities for all ages. 

The event is held as part of Council’s lead-up to the Australian Heritage Festival in the stunning grounds of Bankfoot House.

Throughout the day visitors will experience First Nations stories about our natural, cultural and built environments, painting a picture of our rich Sunshine Coast heritage.

The precinct provides the perfect place to enjoy a journey of heritage discovery.

Visitors can tour the old house, take in the exhibition at the modern Mary Grigor centre, take a self-guided tour through the ‘Shed’ or just enjoy the fun day.

LocationDate and Time
Bankfoot House Heritage PrecinctSaturday 12 April, 10am-2pm

Free event, no registration required.


10.00amWelcome to Country
Official open and speeches
Kabi Kabi and Jinibara First Nations Peoples 
Market stalls: GATHAA First Nations Markets

Free workshop: Ochre and story symbols painting stationOchre Bee

Free workshop: Jinibara bush food, tools, storytelling and colouringJinibara

Free workshop: Pottery and clay artCaloundra Regional Gallery

First 5 Forever 
Stories, books and rhymes for children and families
Sunshine Coast Libraries

Heritage Library 
Display and information
Sunshine Coast Libraries

Bankfoot House Guided Tours
Enjoy a walk through the heritage listed home of early pioneers.
Cultural Heritage Services

Live MusicAlister Bartholomew

Kick the football into the goal for a win!Sunshine Coast Goannas

CPR awareness stall and ambulanceQueensland Ambulance Service

Food: Bring cash for the fundraising sausage sizzle or pack a picnic and enjoy the spacious grounds and amazing view of Mt Tibrogargan.

  • Nooks & Cooks - food van with delicious native ingredients
  • Sunshine Coast Goannas soccer club - sausage sizzle
  • Deadly Espresso - coffee and snack van

Free workshop: Cooking demonstration and bush tucker yarn.My Dilly Bag
The Corroboree
Featuring smoking ceremony, dance, audience participation, digeridoo performance, and Wakka Wakka Dance Troupe.

2.00pmEvent close 
Bankfoot House last guided tours 

Arts and Heritage Levy Funded